Needlework Faire 2025
By royal proclamation, her Royal Majesty hast prepared great merriment and festive activities for thy coming pilgrimage to Needlework Faire, November 12-16, 2025. Faire Travelers wilt journey to the land of Dallas in the mighty kingdom of Texas for five days of amazing tutelage, treasure enhancement, and heartfelt camaraderie. Talented Queens of the Needle from hither and yon wilt offer skilled artistry for thy learning enjoyment. Pop-Up Shoppe Merchants from around the kingdom shalt submit their wares for thy pleasure. Artisans and craftsmen wilt inspire and delight thee through exhibition of their fine works. All Lords and Ladies are heartily invited.
Offerings for Guild Masters and Apprentices shalt abound, with choices ranging from intensive 5-day classes to eventide mini lessons. Stitchin’ Time and Night Owl sessions wilt provide a retreat setting for ye wishing to ply thy needle independently. Thou shalt find new for 2025 is Sampler University, an all-inclusive two-day sampler extravaganza featuring two popular designers, two beautiful projects, and other delights for the faire participants. Pray thee join the throngs of merrymakers where a renaissance of needlework, creative arts, feasting and frivolity will prevail.
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